Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Reindeer" trailer for PVB's "Nutcracker" video...... (15 mins)

This is the "Reindeer" trailer for PVB's "Nutcracker" video that is Fuzzy's current project. At the beginning of this clip there's a GREAT 5-minute highlights-sequence of "iconic moments" from the ballet (held at the Academy of Music, NoHo, a few weeks ago), followed by ten minutes of all six performances by the various Reindeer kiddies ~ who are all as CUTE AS BUTTONS..!

(For those of you wondering why the 'Reindeer' segment is shown six times: different children played the Reindeer in various performances, so this is everyone's chance to see their own special Reindeer.)

The finished DVDs of each complete performance, together with a special/bonus "Behind-The-Scenes" documentary, are available from Pioneer Valley Ballet (413-527-6363), $25 each.

(Duration of trailer: 15 mins)

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