Monday, January 3, 2011

"Candy-Canes" trailer for PVB's "Nutcracker" video (20 mins)

This is the "Candy-Canes" trailer for PVB's "Nutcracker" video that is Fuzzy's current project. At the beginning of this clip there's a GREAT 4-minute highlights-sequence of "iconic moments" from the ballet (held at the Academy of Music, NoHo, a few weeks ago), followed by 15 minutes of all six performances by the various Candy-Cane and Polichinelles kiddies ~ who are all as CUTE AS BUTTONS..!

(For those of you wondering why the 'Candy-Cane' segment is shown six times: different children played the these parts in various performances, so this is everyone's chance to see their own special Candy-Cane.)

The finished DVDs of each complete performance, together with a special/bonus "Behind-The-Scenes" documentary, are available from Pioneer Valley Ballet (413-527-6363), $25 each.

(Duration of trailer: 20 mins)

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