Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"The Bears Are Coming!" trailer (11 mins)

This is the first of the BearFest pieces, featuring February's "Mardi Gras" Launch-Party, when we were first introduced to the pristine bears and to all the (135) artists' submissions for the contest.

The next video (see below), "The Bears Are HERE...!" follows-on from this one, and features the actual unveiling of the finished bears in June.

The trailer for "The Bears are Coming..!" was shown on local Community Access stations [Easthampton's Channel 5 (ECAT), ACTV (Amherst) and NCTV (Northampton)], during March and April, and "The Bears Are HERE...!" was shown on ECAT and NCTV last month and is showing on ACTV (Amherst) both this week and next week.

Duration : 11 minutes.

Any artists whom I haven't interviewed yet who would like to be included in the "Souvenir" video and/or the proposed final documentary, please get in touch.

Jon Persson (413) 548-6804 FuzzyClockProductions@Hotmail.com


1 comment:

FUZZY CLOCK PRODUCTIONS ~ Videographer for Easthampton.org (the city's official website), 2010. said...

esinedmorr said...

Thank you everyone for coming out and making the Welcome the Bears Party & Fundraiser such a success. We (ECA) are overwelmed with your enthusiasm and support of the Easthampton Bear Fest.
Look for more events coming up; the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Holyoke and the unveiling of the decorated bears on June 13th. For more information go to www.easthamptonbearfest.com
Proceeds raised from the auction will support the easthampton public school's art department, Riverside Industries' art program, the winning artists and Easthampton City Arts.
Thank you Jon for the great coverage and thank you again to everyone who attended the party!
February 25, 2009 6:14 AM


May 2, 2009 11:54 PM
