Monday, September 28, 2009

Easthampton NoiseFest..................................... (12-minute extract/trailer)

A 12-minute trailer for Fuzzy's upcoming 30-minute local Cable TV program featuring Easthampton's NoiseFest, held at the Nashawannuck Gallery earlier this year (with intercuts from the subsequent "anti-rehearsal" held at Poppie's place).

This clip was shown recently at Meat For Tea's NoHo video-arts 'happening,' "Cirque du Coq" (at The Elevens nightclub, Pleasant Street).

Duration : Twelve-and-a-half minutes.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Last Man On Earth (10 mins)

Fuzzy's submission for the Meat For Tea "Video Art" 'happening,' "Cirque du Coq," in NoHo, Sept 25th (at The Elevens, Pleasant Street).

A "very intense" and "moving" example of street theatre/performance art.

Duration : 10 minutes.
